Famous People in Japan

Daisuke Asakura

Date of Birth 1967. Nov. 4
Place of Birth Tokyo

He is the youngest million hits producer. He was never a musician When he graduated high school, he worked at YAMAHA MUSIC. He took part in deveropping of some synthesizers. He was well informed about the synthesizers and computers. He could handle all synthesizers.

One day, he got to know Tetsuya Komuro. T.Komuro recognized his talent. Moreover, he was to be the Synthesizer Manipulater for the group TMN. TMN was a very famous group in Japan. About that time, he began to show his talent for music.

His debut album was not generally accepted. He organized the group, "Access". Access was accepted by young people in Japan. It was not famous except among the young. This was confusing to him. Finally, Access had a break up in two years.

After the end of Access, he became a music producer. He got to know the vocalist, Takanori Nishikawa. Daisuke Asakura totally produced his music. The project was called "Takanori Makes Revolution(T.M.Revolution)". T.M.R was generally accepted by young and old people of both sexes. DA extended his act.

He seeks for "New Wave" every time. He said so in his book.

References:DAISUKE-tekini OK!?(book)

Reported by: Masahiro Asakawa
Date of Report: November 1999
Data Verified by:Yasuhiro Takemoto
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