

Associate Professor Yoshii Nishino

■Area and Subject Taught:Virology
■Research Theme(s):Neurovirology
■Academic Degrees:Ph. D (Science), Hokkaido University
■Keywords for Research Field:virus, Borna disease virus, neurological disease
■Office Phone Number:81-75-705-3138 

[Research Overview]

We are surrounded by a lot of microbes. Virus is one of microbes and causes disease on animal and plant. Our laboratory is focused to veterinary and zoonotic viral disease, especially neurovirology. We are interested in Borna disease virus (BDV) that is etiological agent of Borna disease. Borna disease has been known over 100 years as a fatal neurological disease of horses and sheep. At present, it is recognized as an emerging disease in cats, dog, birds, and a broad host range in warm-blooded animals, including humans. However, the definite mechanism underlying disease outcome is not fully clarified yet. To study disturbances of movement and behavior in BDV-infected animals, we examined the following points: 1) comparing pathogenesis in rats infected with two viral strains, 2) contribution of gene expression of TGF-b family and viral pathogenesis, and 3) mechanism of changes in virus genome with adaptation to host.

[Notable Publications and Works]