Studies of Nyayabhusana(13)
          Bhasarvajna's Examination of the Doubtful Knowledge(Samsaya)

                                                          Shodo YAMAKAMI

     It is needless to say that the Nyaya School is mainly wroking on inference
and logics. This fact is eloquently spoken of by Vatsyayana who, commenting on
Nyayasutra 1.1.1 , says, "Without the separate mention of the doubtful knowledge
(samsaya) and so on, which are virtually included in [the first category of] the
means of knowledge (pramana) or [the second category of] the object of knowledge
(prameya), the Nyaya would have been mere the study of atman (atmavidya) like Upanisad."
     The establishment of inference and logics, first of all, requires the unsettled
object or matter. Unless unsettled objects or matters are seen there can not be
any inference and logics. Or, in other words, there can not be any activity of
inference and logics on the settled object or matter. The doubtful knowledge
(samsaya) is, therefore, supposed to be indispensable category (padartha) as
preceding factor of inference and logics, so that it is enumerated in Nyayasutra
to be as high as the third category among 16 categories.
     But when we look at Nyayasutra 1.1.23, which is considered to define the
doubtful knowledge, we find that its sentense itself does not necessarily describe
the general definition (samanyalaksana) of the doubtful knowledge. As it is
supposed, we can also find out in some Naiyayika texts the various views on
Nyayasutra 1.1.23, which shows that there must have been many arguments and
discussions between the Naiyayikas on how they should interpret Nyayasutra 1.1.23.
Bhasarvajna should be highly appreciated in that he, calmy analysing and fairly
judging those interpretations without having a bias toward the orthodox views,
clarifies the position of the doubtful knowledge (samsaya) in the Naiyayika
theory of inference and logics.
     It is also noteworthy that, comparing Bhasarvajna's description with that
of other Naiyayika texts, we can find out that there may have been two streams
of traditions among the Naiyayikas, although it is limited to the investigation
of only one sutra, Nyayasutra 1.1.23.

0. Definition of the right means of knowledge (pramana) [11.18 - ]
0.1. Examination of the meaning of samyak [11.22 - ]
0.2. Investigation of the meaning of erroneous cognition (asamyaganubhava) [12.07 - ]
1. Investigation of samsaya (the doubtful knowledge) [12.09 - 25.05]
1.1. General definition (samanyalaksana) of samsaya : knowledge which is unsettled [12.09 - 13.16]
1.2. Specific definition (visesalaksana) of samsaya as described in NSara is not
    contradictory with one described in NS 1.1.23. [13.18 - 15.08]
1.3.1. Samsaya arises from common characteristics (samanadharma) and so on together
    with other cooperators. [13.20 - 14.07]
1.3.2. Samsaya also arises cooperated with seeking specifics or with unsettlement
    of being perceived or unperceived. [14.08 - 15.08]
1.4.1. Samsaya from common characteristics [15.08 - 15.14]
1.4.2. Samsaya from anekadharma [15.15 - 17.11] anekadharma = asadharanadharma(specific characteristics) [15.15 - 16.17] anekadharma = anekas casau dharmas ca iti karmadharaya, meaning "many
         characteristics" [16.18 - 17.11]
1.4.3. Samsaya from difference of opinions (vipratipatti) [17.12 - 17.15]
1.4.4. Interpretation of upalabdhyanupalabdhyavyavastha [17.15 - 18.02]
1.4.5. Five sentenses implied in NS 1.1.23 [18.02 - 18.15]
2.1. Investigation of uha(tarka) and anadhyavasaya [19.03 - 19.19]
2.2.1. Investigation of uha(tarka) [20.03 - 20.22]
2.2.2. Purpose of separate mention of samsaya is to prompt to work inference and logics.
       [20.22 - 21.19]
2.3.1. Purpose of separate mention of tarka in NS [21.20 - 22.16]
2.3.2. Samsaya can not determine the arguing (vada) [22.17 - 23.07]
2.4. Anadhyavasaya is included in samsaya. [23.09 - 23.19]
2.5. Denial of samsaya followed by its disapproving [23.21 -25.05]
2.5.1. Denial of samsaya [23.21 -24.06]
2.5.2. Disapproving : samsaya does exist. [24.08 - 25.05]


Last modified: Fri Apr 6 16:35:18 JST 2001