Font, Size, Style, Space between lines & Arrangment of lines

1. Font

  1. Defining first
    Before you type, you select a font from Font on the menu bar.

  2. Defining while writting
    To change Font in the middle of the sentences, you select a font from the Font menu wherever you would like to change it.

  3. Changing the font of Existing Text
    Select (Highlight) a part which you would like to change a font, and select a font from the Font menu. Sometimes the font does not change even if you try the way (1) and (2), so this (3) is the most accurate way.

●The way to highlight

  1. Drag the mouse and secelct a part.

  2. Move a pointer to the beginning where you would like to highlight, and click there. Then, move to the end where you would like to highlight, with holding Shift-key, click there.

  3. You can select a word by a double-click, a paragraph from to by a triple-click, a whole paragraph including by four-times-click.

  4. To highlight the whole document, you select "Select All" from Edit, or click five times.

2.Defining and changing of Size, and Style

The ways are almost the same as the one of "1 Font", and you select a size from the Size menu, or a style from the Style menu, instead of the Font menu.

The size varies from point 9 to point 72, and you can set up a smaller size than point 9 and a bigger size than point 72.

-For example-
If you would like to set the size point 13, you select point 12 and Increase, or you select point 14 and Decrease. So, you can set up point 13 and (13) would be showed in Other.

3.Defining and changing Spaces between lines

You can change Spaces between lines by using of on the top of the window.

You can decide the spaces between first, or change them after you make a document. In this case, the text should be highlighted first.

When you click the left box, the spaces between lines become narrow. If they don't become narrow anymore, the lines in the box become dotted lines. Otherwise, you click the right box and the spaces become wide. The number in the middile box express spaces between lines at that time. If 'Auto' or 'Fixed' are chosen in the right box, the unit of the number is 'point', and if 'Line' is chosen, the unit is 'line'. You can change the number in the middle.

4.Defining how text lines up

With on the top of the window, you can make lines uniform. You can select 'left', 'center', 'right' and 'both sides'. You can change them after making documents.



This page was written by Junna Sasakura.
Last modified: Wed Feb 26 17:44:20 JST 1997