
Your document must look very nice if the line is neat. "Tab" can be very useful. Nisus Writer has five types of tab stops and a bar.

"The Left Tab"

This causes the left edge fo a block of text to be aligned to that spot on the ruler.

"The Center Tab"

This aligns the center edge fo a bolck of text, respectively.

"The Right Tab"

This aligns the right edge of a block fo text, respectively.

"The Decimal Tab"

This causes the decimal points of nay numbers beneath it to align.

"The Force Justify Tab"

This spreads out the text between two arbitrary points in a line. (This was desinged for use with Arabic poetry.)

"The Leader Bar".

This will help the eye to follow a line across the page. You can change the leaders by double-clicking the leader bar.

Drug a tab until it changes into a trash if you want to delete.


This page was written by Yoichi Shiga.
Last modified: Mon Feb 10 16:23:47 JST 1997