Famous People in Japan

Issei Ogata

Date of Birth 22 February, 1952
Oliginal Name Ogata Issei
Place of Birth Fukuoka

Issei Ogata was interested in plays since childhood. After he graduated from Toyotama HIGH SCHOOL, he joined a theatrical company and appeared on the stage. Later, he grabbed an opportunity to be an entertainer when he took the gold medal at the audition called "the Birth of Comedians." Then, he started to be active on TV. The programs is "Evil Grandmother" of Fuji TV,and "RinRinto" of NHK drama. He was an entertainer as well as craftsman for fitting aluminum sashes.

They say that he is a new type of entertainer different from the old ones. He doesn't use fixed gags, but cosmically imitates the daily life of various persons. It is full of reality and hits the mark. Viewers cannot help bursting out laughing. He also appears on many TV commercials. Now he performs plays by himself "Life is never stopped" at GyanGyan Theater in Shibuya, which have gained popularity.

References: Gendai Nihonjinmeiroku, 1994

Reported by: Akana Kodama
Data verified by: Mikako Mizutani
Date of Report: November 1995
Updated by: Fumiko Tanaka, June 1998

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