Linea3 is a communal bus line running in Pavia.

Pavia is an Roman town with full of historic beautiful buildings, about 1 hour trip from Milan. Camillo Golgi, who is a discoverer of the Golgi apparatus, worked at the pathology laboratory in the University of Pavia. He was awarded a Nobel prize for physiology or medicine on 1903 by the invention of "black reaction " or "Golgi staining method", which is used to stain neurons.

He found that there are "Internal reticular apparatus" stained by his staining method and reported that on 1898. In 2008, a meeting was held commemorating the 110th anniversary of the discovery of the Golgi apparatus. I was also there to listen.

You can go to "GOLGI", named after Camillo Golgi, by this bus!

Thu, 27-Jan-2011  N. Nakamura

Take Linea3 to GOLGI!
