

森戸 大介


1999. 3. 京都大学理学部 卒業
2008. 3. 京都大学大学院理学研究科 修了
2008. 2. 京都大学再生医科学研究所 研究員
2010. 4. 京都産業大学総合生命科学部 研究員
2014. 4. 京都産業大学総合生命科学部 主任研究員




日本分子生物学会, 日本生化学会, 日本細胞生物学会


日本生化学会近畿支部奨励賞, (2016)
優秀発表賞, (2014), 第61回日本生化学会近畿支部例会, 京都
Best Poster Award, (2010), The 3rd International Conference on Protein Society, Nara, Japan,
若手優秀発表賞, (2010), 第64回日本細胞生物学会大会, 大阪


新学術領域「新生鎖生物学」, 2015-2016, JPY9,100,000
基盤C, 2015-2017, JPY4,940,000
新学術領域「血管―神経」, 2013-2014, JPY10,920,000
若手B, 2013-2014, JPY4,550,000
新学術領域「血管―神経」, 2011-2012, JPY6,500,000
若手B, 2010-2011, JPY4,030,000


熊本大学発生医学研究所 共同研究, 2016, JPY750,000
国立遺伝学研究所 共同研究A, 2015, JPY194,000
国立遺伝学研究所 共同研究B, 2014, JPY697,000
国立遺伝学研究所 共同研究B, 2013, JPY600,000
国立遺伝学研究所 共同研究A, 2012, JPY200,000
京都大学 若手スタートアップ, 2008, JPY500,000



Kotani Y, Morito D (corresponding), Sakata K, Ainuki S, Sugihara M, Hatta T, Iemura SI, Takashima S,
Natsume T, Nagata K
Alternative exon skipping biases substrate preference of the deubiquitylase USP15 for
mysterin/RNF213, the moyamoya disease susceptibility factor
Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 44293 (2017)

Kotani Y, Morito D (co-corresponding), Yamazaki S, Ogino K, Kawakami K, Takashima S, Hirata H, Nagata K.
Neuromuscular regulation in zebrafish by a large AAA+ ATPase/ubiquitin ligase, mysterin/RNF213.
Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 16161 (2015)

Kirstein-Miles J, Morito D (co-first author), Kakihana T, Sugihara M, Minnen A, Hipp MS, Nussbaum-Krammer C, Hartl FU, Nagata K, Morimoto RI
Proteotoxic stress and ageing triggers the loss of redox homeostasis across cellular compartments.
EMBO J, e201591711 (2015) 

Morito D, Nishikawa K, Hoseki J, Kitamura A, Kotani Y, Kiso K, Kinjo M, Fujiyoshi Y, Nagata K.
Moyamoya disease-associated protein mysterin/RNF213 is a novel AAA+ ATPase, which dynamically changes its oligomeric state.
Sci Rep. 2014 Mar 24;4:4442.

Hitomi T, Habu T, Kobayashi H, Okuda H, Harada KH, Osafune K, Taura D, Sone M, Asaka I, Ameku T, Watanabe A, Kasahara T, Sudo T, Shiota F, Hashikata H, Takagi Y, Morito D, Miyamoto S, Nakao K, Koizumi A.
The moyamoya disease susceptibility variant RNF213 R4810K (rs112735431) induces genomic instability by mitotic abnormality.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Oct 4;439(4):419-426.

Hitomi T, Habu T, Kobayashi H, Okuda H, Harada KH, Osafune K, Taura D, Sone M, Asaka I, Ameku T, Watanabe A, Kasahara T, Sudo T, Shiota F, Hashikata H, Takagi Y, Morito D, Miyamoto S, Nakao K, Koizumi A.
Downregulation of Securin by the variant RNF213 R4810K (rs112735431, G>A) reduces angiogenic activity of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived vascular endothelial cells from moyamoya patients.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Aug 16;438(1):13-9.

Liu W, Morito D (co-first author), Takashima S, Mineharu Y, Kobayashi H, Hitomi T, Hashikata H, Matsuura N, Yamazaki S, Toyoda A, Kikuta K, Takagi Y, Harada KH, Fujiyama A, Herzig R, Krischek B, Zou L, Kim JE, Kitakaze M, Miyamoto S, Nagata K, Hashimoto N, Koizumi A.
Identification of RNF213 as a susceptibility gene for moyamoya disease and its possible role in vascular development.,
PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22542.

Morito D, Hirao K, Oda Y, Hosokawa N, Tokunaga F, Cyr DM, Tanaka K, Iwai K, Nagata K.
Gp78 cooperates with RMA1 in endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation of CFTRDeltaF508.,
Mol Biol Cell. 2008 Apr;19(4):1328-36.

Hirayama S, Yamazaki Y, Kitamura A, Oda Y, Morito D, Okawa K, Kimura H, Cyr DM, Kubota H, Nagata K.
MKKS is a centrosome-shuttling protein degraded by disease-causing mutations via CHIP-mediated ubiquitination.,
Mol Biol Cell. 2008 Mar;19(3):899-911.

Hirao K, Natsuka Y, Tamura T, Wada I, Morito D, Natsuka S, Romero P, Sleno B, Tremblay LO, Herscovics A, Nagata K, Hosokawa N.
EDEM3, a soluble EDEM homolog, enhances glycoprotein endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation and mannose trimming.,
J Biol Chem. 2006 Apr 7;281(14):9650-8.

Yasui N, Mori T, Morito D, Matsushita O, Kourai H, Nagata K, Koide T.
Dual-site recognition of different extracellular matrix components by anti-angiogenic/neurotrophic serpin, PEDF.,
Biochemistry. 2003 Mar 25;42(11):3160-7.


Morito D (co-corresponding) and Nagata K
Molecular Biology of Mysterin/RNF213
Current Topics in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, Part III, pp45-57 (2017)

Morito D (co-corresponding) and Nagata K
Physiological Role of Mysterin/RNF213 in Zebrafish
Current Topics in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, Part III, pp59-67 (2017)

Morito D, Nagata K
Pathogenic Hijacking of ER-Associated Degradation: Is ERAD Flexible?
Mol Cell, 59(3), 335-344 (2015)

Morito D, Nagata K.
ER Stress Proteins in Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases.
Front Immunol. 2012;3:48.


Moyamoya Disease-Related Gene and Utilization of Same
Koizumi A., Nagata K., Morito D, Hashimoto N., Takashima S., Yamazaki S., Matsuura N., Hitomi T.
Kyoto University, P5854423



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