APPENDIX B Follow-up Questionnaire (Translated into English) Name___________________ Student Number_______ Day_____ Period_____ Please answer these questions about your course truthfully. This information will be used in order to make the course better in the future. There is no connection between this questionnaire and your grade for this course. A. Questions about you. [Variable name] During this school year did you, 1. belong to a club for studying English? Yes No CLUB 2. study English outside of school? Yes No OUTSIDE 3. take any other 'general education' Yes No OTHERCL classes in English? 4. speak often with an English-speaking Yes No FRIEND friend? 5. Before coming to this university did you, Yes No OSEAS go abroad? (Where?__________________ How long? ________________) B. Questions about this course. Agree Disagree 1. The pace of this class was too fast. 5 4 3 2 1 2. More time should have been spent on each 5 4 3 2 1 exercise. 3. I think that I can read more quickly now 5 4 3 2 1 thanks to this course. 4. I think that I can understand what I read 5 4 3 2 1 better thanks to this course. 5. My ability to understand spoken English 5 4 3 2 1 improved thanks to this course. 6. The material was too difficult for me. 5 4 3 2 1 7. There was too much homework. 5 4 3 2 1 8. I listened to the tapes at home regularly. 5 4 3 2 1 9. What I learned will be useful to me in the 5 4 3 2 1 future. 10. This class will help me get a higher score 5 4 3 2 1 on the TOEIC test. 11. I could understand almost everything that 5 4 3 2 1 the teacher said in English. 12. The content of the class was interesting. 5 4 3 2 1 13. The teacher spoke in Japanese too much. 5 4 3 2 1 14. The teacher spoke too fast for me to 5 4 3 2 1 understand. [-26-] The results of the questionnaire showed that, for most items, there was very little difference between the groups in their responses. Some items did, indeed, result in a 'significant difference' but the magnitude of the absolute difference in the values was so small that the "significant differences' had little import. For example, for item B-8, "I listened to the tapes at home regularly," we found the following results for the Non-Majors: N Mean TOEIC 50 2.1 REGULAR 46 2.4 BUSINESS 51 1.9 The Fisher PSLD Post-Hoc test reports a significant difference between the Business and Regular treatments, with p =.0045. While this does show that subjects in the regular treatment groups probably listened to their tapes more than those in the other treatment groups, the absolute difference between these two groups is only 0.5 on a scale of 1 to 5, More importantly, all groups are below the mid-point and have disagreed to some extent with the statement. The results of part B of the questionniare are reported below. N SIZES TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Non-Majors 50 46 51 Majors-List 80 80 80 Majors-Read 76 84 66 1. The pace of this class was too fast. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors _2.8_ 2.5 2.3 T > B p = .0070 Majors-List 2.5 2.5 2.7 ns Majors-Read 2.3 2.5 _2.6_ B > T p = .0490 2. More time should have been spent on each exercise. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors 3.1 2.8 2.9 ns Majors-List _3.4_ 3.1 2.9 T > B p = .0318 Majors-Read 2.9 _3.2_ 3.0 R > T p = .0214 Note: One of the three TOEIC Major listening sections received an average score of 3.9 as opposed to 3.3 and 2.9 for the other sections. Thus the pace of the class was significantly greater in only one class, not the treatment as a whole. [-27-] 3. I think that I can read more quickly now thanks to this course. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors 2.7 2.7 2.4 ns Majors-List N/A Majors-Read 3.5 3.4 3.5 ns 4. I think that I can understand what I read better thanks to this course. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors _2.9_ 2.6 2.4 T > B p = .0079 Majors-List N/A Majors-Read _3.6_ 3.3 3.5 T > R p = .0370 Note: The Non-Majors all scored below the half-way mark of 3 on the Agree/Disagree scale. Despite the fact that it was only in the reading section that the TOEIC treatment improved more than the other treatments, the students themselves apparently did not perceive themselves as having improved in their reading ability 5. My ability to understand spoken English improved thanks to this course. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors 3.3 3.3 3.0 ns Majors-List 3.4 _3.7_ 2.9 R>T p=.0069; R>B p<.0001 Majors-Read 1.9 1.8 _2.5_ B>T p<.0012; B>R p<.0001 Note: The Major Regular course included a greater emphasis on pronunciation and sound discrimination exercises which might have caused this difference in perceived improvement. The nature of the Major Reading Business treatment required much more "teacher talk" which explains the higher rating. 6. The material was too difficult for me. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors _2.8_ 2.4 2.4 T > B p = .0230 Majors-List 2.6 2.4 2.6 ns Majors-Read 2.9 3.0 3.2 ns 7. There was too much homework. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors 2.1 _2.3_ 1.8 R > B p = .0067 Majors-List 2.1 1.9 1.8 Majors-Read 3.8 4.0 3.7 Note: The high ratings for the Major-Reading courses are due to the large amount of outside reading required for all the students, [-28-] regardless of the treatment. Generally speaking, only the in-class work was varied depending on the treatment. 8. I listened to the tapes at home regularly. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors 2.1 _2.4_ 1.9 R > B p = .0045 Majors-List 2.4 3.0 2.5 R>T p=.0004; R>B p=.0046 Majors-Read N/A 9. What I learned will be useful to me in the future. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors 3.6 3.3 3.4 ns Majors-List _3.7_ _4.0_ 3.0 R>B p<.0001; T>B p<.0046 Majors-Read 3.6 3.5 3.4 ns 10. This class will help me get a higher score on the TOEIC test. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors _3.8_ 2.9 3.2 T>B p=.0007; T>R p<.0001 Majors-List _3.7_ 2.5 2.8 T>B p=.0009; T>R p<.0001 Majors-Read _3.6_ 3.2 3.0 T>B p=.0013; T>R p=.0114 Note: Predictably those who were directly studying TOEIC materials believed that this material was helpful, despite our experimental evidence to the contrary. 11. I could understand almost everything that the teacher said in English. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors 2.6 2.8 2.7 ns Majors-List 2.9 _3.3_ 2.8 R>B p=.0066; T>R p=.0145 Majors-Read 3.2 3.3 3.3 Note: The instructor for one of the Major-Listening Regular sections conducted his class completely in Japanese and told his students not to respond to this question. Only two sections, with an N=49 are included here. 12. The _content_ of the class was interesting. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors 3.2 3.3 3.4 ns Majors-List _3.4_ _3.4_ 2.7 T>B p=.0006; R>B p<.0001 Majors-Read _3.1_ 2.8 2.7 T>B p=.0044; T>R p=.0155 Note: Despite the fact that the bulk of the English Major graduates find themselves working in business, it appears that they do not find studying Business English interesting. [-29-] 13. The teacher spoke in Japanese too much. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors 1.6 1.7 1.5 ns Majors-List _3.0_ 2.7 _2.8_ Majors-Read _2.0_ _1.2 _ _1.1 _ T>B_ p<.0001; T>R p<.0001 Note: This item suffered from the same problem as item 11, thus only two sections were tabulated for the Majors-Listening Regular treatment. 14. The teacher spoke too fast for me to understand. TOEIC REGULAR BUSINESS Significance Non-Majors 3.2 2.9 2.8 ns Majors-List 2.0 2.2 1.9 ns Majors-Read 2.2 _2.5_ 2.5 R > T p = .0096 [-31-]