Conference Schedule: February 1995


Conference Schedule 1995: Linguistics & Related Topics

Updated 1/2/95

Below is a list of conferences, seminars, symposia, etc. gleaned from a number of sources. Please feel free to re- copy, distribute, or use parts of this list. This is a service of the Language and Technology Centre of the National Languages & Literacy Institute of Australia Ltd., at the University of Queensland. Please note that Peter White holds details on those items marked with a "D" after the date. He can be contacted at: NLLIA/LATTICE, Centre for Language Teaching and Research, The University of Queensland Qld 4072. Tel: (07) 365-6893; Fax: (07) 365-7077. Email: peterw@lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au A text (non-formatted) version of this conference list can also be located on gopher. Gopher to gopher.cltr.uq.oz.au/FTP archive/Publicly Accessible Archives/NLLIA/Conferences. New conferences listed since the previous Conference Schedule are asterisked . Thanks to the increasing number of people from around the globe who are providing us with conference details. If any reader wants to provide details of conferences, please contact us on the addresses above.


*1. 3-5 February '95

Endangered Languages: Current Issues and Future Prospects, Hanover, Hew Hampshire, USA

Contact: Lindsay Whaley, Program in Linguistics and Cognitive Science, 6086 Reed Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755-3525 USA.

2. 5-11 February 1995 "D"

Multimedia Computing and Networking 1995, San Jose, California, USA

Contact: IS&T/SPIE EI95, High-Speed Networking and Multimedia Computing 1995, PO Box 10, Bellingham WA 98227- 0010 USA. Tel: +1 206 676 3290; Fax: +1 206 647 1445. Email: abstracts@mom.spie.org

*3. 16 February '95

First Israeli Seminar on Computational Linguistics, Tehcnion, Haifa, Israel

Contact: Shuly Wintner, Dept of Computer Science, Technion, 32000 Haifa, Israel. Tel: +972 4 294 315; Fax: +972 4 294 353. Email: shuly@cs.technion.ac.il

4. 17-19 February '95

Georgetown Linguistics Society: Developments in Discourse Analysis, Washington, DC, USA

Contact: GLS, Georgetown University, Dept of Linguistics, 479 Intercultural Center, Washington, DC 20057-1068 USA. Tel: +1 202 687-6166. Email: gls@guvax.georgetown.edu. WWW = http://www.georgetown.edu/cball/gu_lx.html

5. 16-21 February '95 "D"

Linguistics Symposia at the AAAS95 Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Contact: American Association for the Advancement of Science, PO Box 2033, Marion, OH, 43306-4133 USA.

6. 18-20 February '95 "D"

The Berkeley Linguistics Society: BLS21. 21st Annual Meeting. Berkeley, California, USA.

Contact: BLS21, 2337 Dwinelle Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-2650. Email: bls@garnet.berkeley.edu

7. 22-24 February '95 3rd International Congress on Central American Literature, Guatemala City, Guatemala.

Contact: Alberto Rey, Dept of Modern Languages and Literatures, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059 USA. Tel: +1 202 806 6758; Fax: +1 202 806 4562. Email: alrey@cldc.howard.edu

8. 23-25 February '95 "D"

The Tennessee Philological Association's 90th Meeting. Martin, Tennessee, USA

Contact: Dr Robert Peckham, Dept of Modern Foreign Languages, University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin TN 38238. Tel: +1 901 587 7424. Email: bobp@utm.edu

*9. 23-25 February '95 "D"

XXI Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Milan, Italy

Contact: DIPSCO, Dipartimento di Scienze Cognitive, Istituto S. Raffaele, Via Olgettina 58, 20132 Milano, Italy. Tel (Secretary) +39 2 2643 4784. Fax: +39 2 2643 4892.

10. 24-26 February '95

SALT 5: Semantics and Linguistic Theory. 5th Annual Meeting. Austin, Texas, USA

Contact: SALT5 Committee, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX 78712-1196 USA. Email: ligk417@utxvms.cc.utexass.edu

MARCH 1995

1. 2-4 March '95

9th Annual International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA. Parasession on The Evolving Design of Computer-Assisted Language Learning on 2 March.

Contact: 9th Annual Conferences on Prag & LL, DEIL, 3070 FLB, 707 S. Matthews, Urbana IL 61801, USA. Fax: +1 217 244 3050. Email: larbout@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu

2. 2-4 March '95

25th Annual Symposium on Romance Languages, Seattle, Washington, USA

Contact: LSRL 25 Committee, Dept of Romance Languages, GN- 60, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195 USA. Tel: +1 206 543 7035 or 543 2020. Fax: +1 206 685 7054. Email: lsrl25@u.washington.edu

3. 3-5 March '95

The University of Illinois Interdisciplinary Conference on French Studies, Urbana, Illinois, USA

Contact: Conference Organisers, Dept. of French, 707 South Matthews Ave, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA. Tel: James Madden (+1 217 352-6714). Email: whassan (Wali Hassan) whassan@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu

4. 3-7 March '95

ARCLING II (2nd Archaeology & Linguistics Conference, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.

Contact: Margaret Sharpe, Aboriginal & Multicultural Studies, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia. Tel: +61 67 734 324. Fax: +61 67 734 411. Email msharpe@metz.une.edu.au

5. 6-7 March '95

2nd Presession on Spanish Linguistics, at the Georgetown University Round Table 1995, Washington, DC, USA

Contact: Presession Organisers, Spanish Dept, ICC 4th Floor, Georgetown University, Washington DC 20057 USA. Tel: +1 202 687 6134. Email: catalann@guvax.georgetown.edu OR rleow@guvax.georgetown.edu

6. 6-11 March '95

Georgetown University Round Table on Languages & Linguistics (GURT'95), Washington, DC, USA: Presessions and Conference

Contact: Tel +1 202 687 5726. Email: burt@guvax.acc.georgetown.edu

7. 8 March '95

GURT Presentation on "Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis" (Preceding GURT'95 (see entry above).

Contact: Susan Herring, Program in Linguistics, University of Texas, Arlington, TX 76019 USA. Fax: +1 817 273 2731. Email: susan@utafll.uta.edu

8. 8-12 March '95

National Association for Ethnic Studies Conference: Ethnicity - Family and Community. Boulder, Colorado, USA

Contact: Dr George H. Junne Jr., CSERA, Campus Box 339, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder CO 80309-0339 USA. Tel: +1 303 492 2507; Fax: +1 303 492 7799. Email: junne@spot.colorado.edu

9. 9-10 March '95

DLLS 1995: Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Symposium, Provo, Utah, USA

Contact: Jeffrey S. Turley, Dept of Spanish & Portuguese, Brigham Young University, Provo UT 84602. Tel: +1 801 378 2005; Fax: +1 801 378 4649. Email: jeffrey_turley@byu.edu

10. 9-12 March '95 "D"

(9 March) WCCFL XIV Workshop: Predication (10-12 March) West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL XIV), Los Angeles, California, USA

Contact: Jose Camacho or Hajime Hoji, WCCFL XIV, Linguistics Dept. GFS 301, University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA 90089-1693. Tel: +1 213 740 2986; Fax: +1 213 740 9306. Email: wccfl@mizar.usc.edu

*11. 9-12 March '95

9th Edition of the Student Conference Les Journees de Linguistique, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Contact: Pierre Larrivee, President of Organising Committee, Departement de langues et linguistique, U Laval, Sainte-Foy, Quebec G1K 7P4 Canada. Email: 3914larp@vm1.ulaval.ca

12. 10-12 March '95

4th Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association, Washington, DC USA

Contact: Dr Ruth Brend, 3363 Burbank Dr, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 USA. Tel: +1 313 665 2787; Fax: +1 313 665 9743. Email: ruth.brend@um.cc.umich.edu

13. 10-12 March '95 "D"

West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) XIV, Los Angeles, California, USA

Contact: Jose Camacho or Hajime Hoji, WCCFL XIV, Linguistics Dept, GFS 301, University of California, Los Angeles CA 90089-1693. Tel: +1 213 740 2986; Fax: +1 213 740 9306. Email: wccfl@mizar.usc.edu

14. 16-18 March '95 "D"

1995 CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, Tuscon Arizona, USA

Contact: CUNY Conference Committee, Dept of Psychology, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ 85721. Email: cuny@ccit.arizona.edu

15. 20-21 March '95

11th Annual Spring Symposium: Language and Prehistory in South Asia, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA

Contact: Dr Lawrence A. Reid, Dept of Linguistics, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822. Tel: +1 808 956 3223. Email: reid@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu

16. 22-25 March '95

S I T E 9 5: 6th Annual Conference of the Society For Information Technology and Teacher Education, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Contact: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), P.O. Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA. Tel: +1 804-973-3987; Fax: +1 804-978-7449. email: AACE@virginia.edu

17. 23-25 March '95

Conference on Interfaces in Phonology, Forschungsschweprpunkt Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany

Contact: CIP Organisers, Forschungsschweprpunkt Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Jaegerstr. 10/11, 10117 Berlin, Germany. Tel: +49 30 2019 1570 or +49 30 2019 2562; Fax: +49 30 2019 2402. Email: alter@fas.ag- berlin.mpg.de

*18. 23 March '95

Meeting on Integrating Speech Recognition and Natural Language Processing Systems, Institute of Acoustic Speech Group, Durham, UK

Contact: Russell J. Collingham, Laboratory for Natural Language Engineering, Dept of Computer Science, University of Durham, South Road, Durham, England DH1 3LE. Tel: +44 191 374 2637; Fax: +44 191 374 2560. Email: r.j.collingham@durham.ac.uk

19. 24-26 March '95

Discourse: Linguistics, Computational, and Philosophical Perspectives, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Contact: Department of Linguistics, 2816 CL, University of Pittsburgh,, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Email:deven@isp.pitt.edu

20. 24-26 March '95

ACAL-26: 26th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Los Angeles California, USA.

Contact: Tom Hinnebusch or Ian Masddieson, ACAL26, Dept of Linguistics, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles CA 90024-1543 USA. Email: acal26@humnet.ucla.edu

21. 24-26 March '95

2nd Annual Meeting of AFLA (Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association) Montreal, Canada

Contact: Ileana Paul, or Vivianne Phillips, AFLA Conference, Lingusitics Dept, McGill University, 1001 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal PQ H3A 1G5, Canada. Tel: +1 514 398 4222; Fax: +1 514 398 7088. Email: bbib@musicb.mcgill.ca OR b27w@ musicb.mcgill.ca

22. 24-27 March '95

17th Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium, Long Beach California, USA

Contact: Lyle F.Bachman, Dept. of TESL and Applied Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles CA 90024-1531 USA. Tel: +1 310 825 7974; Fax: +1 310 206 4118. Email: iyg9ltr@mvs.oac.ucla.edu

23. 25-28 March '95

American Association for Applied Linguistics: Literacy and bilingualism in Deaf Education, Long Beach, California, USA

Contact: Amiee Nielsen, UC/San Diego, Dept. of Communications, 9500 Gilmann Drive, 0503, La Jolla, CA 92093-0503, USA. Fax: +1 619 534 7315. Email: anielsen@weber.csd.edu

24. 25 March '95

Celtic Language Learning Conference, Glendale California, USA

Contact: John T. McCranie, NAACLT'95, Dept. of Computer Science, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco CA USA 94132. Email: jtm@futon.sfsu.edu

*25. 27 March '95

Yuen Ren Society for the Promotion of Chinese Dialect Fieldwork: Conference on Chinese Dialects, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Contact: The Yuen Ren Society, Attn: David Prager Branner, Asian Languages and Literature, DO-21, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195 USA. Email: yuenren@u.washington.edu

26. 27-29 March '95

Institute for Mathematics and its Applications presents a Conference on Applications of Logic, York, England

Contact: Pamela Irving, The Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, 16 Nelson St, Southend-on Sea, SS1-1EF, England.

27. 27-29 March '95 "D"

Empirical Methods in Discourse Interpretation and Generation, AAAI '95 Spring Symposium Series, Stanford, California USA

Contact: Dr Marilyn Walker, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, 201 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139. Tel: +1 617 621 7505; Fax: +1 617 621 7550. Email: walker@merl.com

28. 27-31 March '95

EACL '95: 7th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Dublin, Ireland

Contact: Allan Ramsay, Dept. of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 706 2479; Fax: +353 1 268 7262. Email: allan@monkey.udc.ie

*29. 27 March '95 "D"

From Texts to Tags: Issues in Multilingual Language Analysis. A workshop at EACL SIGDAT (above)

Contact: Evelyne Tzoukermann, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Room 2D-448, PO Box 636, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ 07944-0636 USA. Tel: +1 908 582 2924; Fax: +1 908 582 7308. Email: evelyne@research.att.com

30. 29 March - 2 April '95

Annual Spring Meeting of the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness, Berkeley, California, USA

Contact: email: dalford@s1.csuhayward.edu

31. 30 March - 2 April '95

American Teachers of Foreign Languages: Exploring New Frontiers, Denver, Colorado, USA

Contact: JoAnne Wilson, 5765 Oak St, Glen Arbor MI 49636- 0527. Tel/Fax: +1 616 334 6315.

APRIL 1995

1. 1 April ;'95

EACL SIGDAT Workshop: From Texts to Tags: Issues in Multilingual Language Analysis, Dublin, Ireland

Contact: Evelyne Tzoukeremann, AT7T Bell Laboratories, Room 2D-448, PO Box 636, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill NJ 07944-0636 USA. Tel: +1 908 582 2924; Fax: +1 908 582 7308. Email: evelyne@research.att.com

*2. 3-4 April '95 "D"

AISB-95: Workshop on Reaching for Mind - Foundations of Cognitive Science, at the 10th Biennial Conference on AI and Cognitive Science with the theme “Hybrid Problems, Hybrid Solutions, Sheffield, England

Contact: (for workshop): Sean O Nuallain, Dublin City University, IRL-Dublin, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 704 5237; Fax: +353 1 704 5442. Email: onuallains@dcu.ie. WWW: http://www.compapp.dcu.ie. FTP: ftp.vax1.dcu.ie. (For AISB-95:)Dr Robert Gaizauskas, Dept of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, 211 Portobello St, Regent Court, Sheffield S1 4DP UK. Tel: +44 114 278 5572; Fax: +44 114 278 0972. Email: robertg@dcs.shef.ac.uk

*3. 4 April -95 "D"

AISB-95: Workshop in Language Visualisation, at the 10th Biennial Conference on AI and Cognitive Science with the theme “Hybrid Problems, Hybrid Solutions, Sheffield, England

Contact: Ajit Narayanan, Dept of Computer Science, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 fPT UK. Tel: +44 392 264 064. Email: ajit@dcs.exeter.ac.uk See above entry for further contact information for AISB- 95.

*4. 3-5 April '95 "D"

Computational Logic for Natural Language Processing, A Joint Compulognet/ESLNET/Eagles Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland

Contact: CLNLP95, HCRC, University of Edinburgh, 2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW Scotland. Electronically: FTP; (LaTeX, PS, or txt) by anonymous ftp from ftp.cogsci.ed.ac.uk in: pub/clnlp95. WWW: http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/elsnet/clnlp95.html

5. 3-7 April '95 "D"

10th Biennial Congress on AI and Cognitive Science presents AISB-95: Hybrid Problems, Hybrid Solutions, Sheffield, England.

Contact: John Hallam, Dept of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, 5 Forrest Hill, Edinburgh EH1 2QL, Scotland. Tel: +44 31 650 3097; Fax: +1 44 31 650 6899. Email: john@aifh.edinburgh.ac.uk

6. 5-7 April '95

German Society for Computer Science: Hypertext - Information Retrieval - Multimedia (HIM'95), Konstanz, Germany

Contact: Marc Rittberger, Universitaet Konstanz, Informationwissenschaft, Postfach 5560, D-78434 Konstanz, Germany. Tel: +49 7531 883 595; Fax: +49 7531 882601. Email: ritt@inf-wiss.uni-konstanz.de

7. 6-8 April '95

Spring Meeting of the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Athens, Georgia, USA

Contact: Bill Kretzschmar, Dept of English, University of Georgia, Athens GA 30602-6205. Fax: +1 706 542 2181. Email: billk@hyde.park.uga.edu

8. 6-9 April '95

First International Conference in Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics, Brighton, England

Contact: Katarzyna Jaszczolt, The Language Centre, University of Brighton, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9PH, UK. Tel: +44 273 642192; Fax: +44 273 690 710. Email: kmj@uk.ac.bton.vms

9. 7-9 April '95

1995 Child Language Research Forum, Stanford California, USA

Contact: 1995-SCLRF Committee, Dept. of Linguistics, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305 USA. Email: clrf@csli.stanford.edu

10. 7-9 April '95

SALSA: Symposium about Language and Society. Austin, Texas, USA

Contact: SALSA, Dept of Linguistics, UT Austin, Austin TX 78712-1196. Email: salsa@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu

11. 8-9 April '95

7th Annual Student Conference in Linguistics (SCIL1995), Storrs, Connecticut, USA

Contact: SCIL7, University of Connecticut, Dept of Linguistics, 341 Mansfield Rd, U-145, Storrs, CT 06269- 1145 USA. Tel: +1 203 486 4229. Email: linqadm5@uconnvm.uconn.edu

12. 17-19 April '95

International Conference for Teaching Chinese in Grade Schools: Materials and Methodologies. Taitung, Taiwan

Contact: Ms. Su-chen Lai, Dept. of Language Education, National Taitung Teachers' College, 684, Section 1, Chung- hua Road, Taitung, Taiwan, ROC. Tel: +886 89 318 855 ext. 214,243, or 245. Fax: +886 89 340 536.

13. 18-20 April '95

3rd Conference of the Australian Cognitive Science Society (preceding the 22nd Australian Experimental Psychology Conference), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Contact: Ann Dellow, CogSci'95, Dept. of Psychology, The University of Queensland, Queensland 4072, Australia. Tel: +617 365 6230; Fax: +617 365 4466. Email: cogsci95@psy.uq.oz.au

14. 19-22 April '95 "D"

PACLING '95: 2nd Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Contact: Hongliang Qiao, Centre for Language Teaching and Research, The University of Queensland, Qld 4072. Tel: +61 7 365 6897; Fax: +61 7 365 7077. Email: qiao@lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au

15. 20-22 April '95

48th annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Contact: Monica Stoch, 218C Service Bldg, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, USA. Email: monica.stoch@ukwant.uky.edu

16. 20-22 April '95

31st Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Illinois, USA

Contact: Chicago Linguistic Society, 1010 E. 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637 USA. Tel: +1 312 702 8529. Email: cls@sapir.uchicago.edu

17. 20-23 April '95

XV Annual Conference of the American Association of Italian Studies: session on Italian Linguistics, Tempe, Arizona, USA

Contact: Lori Repetti, Dept of French and Italian, SUNY, Stony Brook NY 11794-3359. Tel: +1 516 632 7440. Email: lrepetti@ccmail.sunysb.edu

*18. 21 April '95

Seminar on the Conservation of Endangered Languages, Bristol, UK

Contact: Dan Brickley and Andrew Woodfield, Centre for Theories of Language and Learning, Dept of Philosophy, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TB. Email: centre- tll@bristol.ac.uk. On the World Wide Web: http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Philosophy/CTLL

19. 23-26 April '95

Imagining a Pacific Community - Representation and Education, Vancouver, Canada.

Contact: willinsk@unixg.ubc.ca

20. 24-28 April '95 "D"

8th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Eichstatt, Bavaria, Germany

Contact: Dr Freidrich Heberlein, Dept. of Classics, Katholische Universitat, Universitatsallee 1, D-85071 Eichstatt, Germany. Fax: +49 8421 89912 (indicate "For F. Herberlein"). Email: sla019@ku-eichstaett.d400.de

21. 29 April - 2 May '95 "D"

AusWeb95, Ballina, New South Wales, Australia

Contact: Alan Ellis or Roger Debreceny. Tel: (Ellis) +61 66 20 3611; (Debreceny) +61 66 20 3837. Email: ausweb95@scu.edu.au

MAY 1995

1. 3-6 May '95

4th International Colloquium on Cognitive Science, Donostia, San Sebastin, Spain

Contact: K. Korta, ICCS-95, Organising Committee ILCLI, Villa Asuncin. Apdo. 220, 20080 San Sebastin, Spain. Fax: +34 43 293 677. Email: iccs-95@sf.ehu.es

2. 4-5 May '95

Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA), New York City, New York, USA

Contact: GASLA, Dept of Linguistics, Queens College, Flushing, New York 11367 USA. Email: gasla@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu

3. 8-11 May '95

New Zealand Association of Language Teachers Conference: Languages of the Future, Auckland, New Zealand

Contact: Jim Madden, Conference Organiser, 42B Koraha St, Remuera, Auckland 1005, New Zealand. Tel: +64 9 523 1308; Fax: +64 638 9756

4. 10-12 May '95

LARS '95: Second Language Acquisition & Cognitive Science, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Contact: LARS95, English Dept., Trans 10, 3512 JK, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Fax: +31 30 536 000. Email: smith@let.ruu.nl

5. 12-14 May '95

4th Annual Workshop on Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics, Ithaca, New York, USA

Contact: Wayles Browne, Dept of Modern Languages & Linguistics, Morrill Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca New York 14853, USA. Tel: +1 607 255 0712. Email: ewb2@cornell.edu OR (Draga Zec), sec@crux1.cit.cornell.edu

6. 15-17 May '95 "D"

1st International Conference on Communication and the Future: The Role of Communication and Translation in Technology Transfer, Haifa, Israel

Contact: Prof David Porush, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 USA. Fax: +1 518 276 4871. Email: porusd@rpi.edu OR Prof Judith Rosenhouse, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel. Fax: +972 4 327 399. Email: gsrjudy@technion.edu

7. 17-19 May '95 "D"

1st Annual Conference on Spanish for Native Speakers: New Directions for the 21st Century, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA

Contact: SNS Organising Committee, Dept of Languages & Linguistics, NMSU, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003 USA. Tel: +1 505 646 1230; Fax: +1 505 646 7876. Email: dvilla@nmsu.edu

8. 19-21 May '95

5th Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS) Meeting, Tuscon, Arizona, USA

Contact: Shobhana Chelliah, Dept of Linguistics, Uni. of Arizona, Tuscon AZ 85721 USA. email: shobs@ccit.arizona.edu OR wdereuse@ccit.arizona.edu

9. 19-21 May '95

FLSM VI: 6th Annual Meeting of the Formal Linguistics Society of Mid-America, Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Contact: Elizabeth Purnell. Email: epurnel@silver.ucs.indiana.edu

10. 18-20 May '95

IV Congreso Argentino de Hispanistas, Mar del Plata, Argentina

Contact: Marta Villarino, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Funes 3350, 7600. Mar del Plata, Buenos Aries, Argentina. Email: hispanistas@unmdp.edu.au

11. 20 May - 15 July '95

Advanced Filipino Abroad: University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines

Contact: Teresita V. Ramos, c/- The Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 1890 East- West Road, Moore Hall 416, Honolulu HI 96822. Tel: +1 808 956 8933; Fax: +1 808 956 5978.

12. 24-26 May '95 "D"

CMC/95: International Conference on Cooperative Multimodal Communication, Theory and Applications, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Contact: SOBU, Tilburg University, PO Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands. Tel: +31 13 66 23 80; Fax: +33 13 66 29 48. Email: denk@kub.nl

*13. 26-27 May '95

7th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, Los Angeles, California, USA

Contact: IE Conference Committee, Classics Dept, 7349 Bunche Hall, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles CA 90024- 1475 USA. Tel: +1 310 825 4171. Email: iep0rmr@mvs.oac.ucla.edu

14. 29-31 May '95

5th International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming, Lisbon, Portugal

Contact: Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Dept of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Qunita da Torre, 2825 Monte da Caparica, Portugal. Tel: +351 1 295 3220; Fax: +351 1 295 5641. Email: gpl@fct.unl.pt

*15. 31 May - 2 June '95

18th GLOW Colloquium, Tromso, Norway

Contact: GLOW Selection Committee (abstracts), Dept of Linguistics - ISL, University of Tromso, N-9037 Tromso, Norway. Email: glow95@isl.uit.no

JUNE 1995

*1. 2-4 June '95

SALA XVII: 17th South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable - “Verbal Constructions in South Asian Languages, Austin, Texas, USA

Contact: Organising Committee, SALA XVII, Dept of Asian Studies, WCH 4.134, G9300, University of Texas, Austin TX 78712 USA. Tel: +1 512 471 5811; Fax: +1 512 471 4469

2. 3-4 June '95

10th Conference of the Finno-Ugric Studies Association of Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Contact: Zita McRobbie, President, Finno-Ugric Studies Association of Canada, Dept of Linguistics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 Canada. Fax: +1 604 291 5659. Email: zita_mcrobbie@sfu.ca

3. 5-12 June '95

Conseil d'etudes francophones (CIEF) 1995 Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.

Contact: Maurice Dagnon, Directeur General, CIEF, French Dept, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair NJ 07043 USA. Tel: +1 201 655 5143; Fax: +1 212 666 3715.

4. 8-10 June '95

Langues et Grammaire 2, Paris, France

Contact: Langues et Grammaire-2, Comite d’Organisation, Departement des Sciences et Langage, Universite Paris 8, 2, Rue de la Liberte, F-93526 Saint-Denis Cedex o2, France. Tel: +33 1 49 40 64 24; Fax: +33 1 49 40 67 83. Email: sdl@univ-paris8.fr NOTE: Above conference dates altered from 25-27 May 95.

*5. 11-13 June '95 "D"

4th Annual CETH Summer Seminar: Electronic Texts in the Humanities - Methods and Tools, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA

Contact: CETH Summer Seminar 1995, Centre for Electronic Texts in the Humanities, 169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 USA. Tel: +1 908 832 1384; Fax: +1 908 932 1386. Email: ceth@zodiac.rutgers.edu

*6. 12-14 June '95 "D"

Morphology: Why, How, When, When Not, and Why Not? Towards an Integrated Theory of Morphology in the Mental Lexicon, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Contact: Rian Raad, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, PO Box 6500 AH, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Tel: +31 80 521 360; Fax: +31 80 521 213. Email: raad@mpi.nl

7. 15-16 June '95

Second Annual Conference on “Le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel en France, Marseille, France

Contact: Philippe Blache, 2LC-CNRS, 1361 route des Lucioles, F-06560 Sophia Antipolis, France. Tel: +33 92 96 73 98; Fax: +33 93 65 29 27. Email: pb@llaor.unice.fr

8. 18-21 June '95 "D"

Ed-Media '95: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, with a Distance Education Stream, Graz, Austria

Contact: Ed-Media 95'AACE, PO Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA. Tel: +1 804 973 3987; Fax: +1 804 978 7449. Email: aace@virginia.edu

9. 19-23 June '95

12th International Symposium on Latin American Indian Literatures, Mexico City, DF. Mexico

Contact: Dr. Mary H. Preuss, President LAILA/ALILA, The Pennsylvania State University, McKeesport, University Drive, McKeesport PA 15132-7698. Email: (Ron Anderson) randerso@sanac.usiu.edu

10. 20-22 June '95 "D"

BISFAI'95: 4th Bar-Ilan Symposium on Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Commemorating the scientific work of Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (1915-1975). Jerusalem, Israel

Contact: email: bisfai@bimacs.cs.biu.ac.il

11. 20-23 June '95

6th Annual Conference of Moscow Association of Applied Linguistics, Moscow, Russia.

Contact: Lee Bradley, Executive Director, Southern Conference on Language Teaching, Valdosta Staste University, Valdosta GA 31698 USA. Tel: +1 912 333 7358; Fax: +1 912 333 7389. Email: lbradley@grits.valdosta.peachnet.edu

12. 20-24 June '95

CALICO' '95 Annual Symposium: Computers and Collaborative Learning, Middlebury, Vermont, USA

Contact: CALICO, Duke University, 014 Language Center, Box 90267, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0267 USA. Tel: +1 919 660 3180; Fax: +1 919 660 3183. Email: calico@acpub.duke.edu

*13. 21-24 June '95 "D"

Testing and Evaluation in Second Language Education, Hong Kong

Contact: Conference Coordinator, Language Centre, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay Road, Hong Kong. Fax: +852 335 0249. Email: lclynne@usthk.ust.hk

*14. 22-23 June '95

Celtic Languages Conference, Dublin, Ireland

Contact: Celtic Linguistics Conference, Dept of Linguistics, University College, Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Email: chiosain@ollamh.ucd.ie OR acquaviv@ccvax.ucd.ie

15. 22-24 June '95

Asian Reading Congress, Singapore

Contact: Mrs Koshu Lulla, ARC 1995 Conference Secretariat, c/- Tele-Temps Pte Ltd., 1002 Toa Payoh Industrial Park #06-1475, Singapore 1231. Tel: +65 250 7700; Fax: +65 253 2228

16. 23-27 June '95 "D"

ACL95: 33rd Annual Meeting for the Association for Computational Linguistics, Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA

Contact: Yves Schabes, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, 201 Broadway, Cambridge MA 02139 USA. Tel: +1 617 621 7529. Fax: +1 617 621 7550. Email: schabes@merl.com

17. 23-28 June '95 "D"

5th Toulouse International Workshop: Time, Space and Movement, Meaning and Knowledge in the Sensible World, Gascony, France

Contact: TSM95, c/o Mario Borillo, IRIT - Universite Paul Sabatier, 118, route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex, France. Tel: +33 61 55 60 91; Fax: +33 61 55 83 25. Email: tsm@irit.fr. WWW: http://www.irit.fr/activites/eq_lrc/tsm95.html

18. 26 June - 4 August '95 "D"

1995 Linguistic Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico USA

Contact: Linguistic Institute, Dept. of Linguistics, Humanities Bldg, 526, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM 87131-1196, USA. Fax: +1 505 277 6355. Email: linguist@carina.unm.edu

19. 26-30 June '95 "D"

A Video Workshop from the National Foreign Languages Resource Centre Summer Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Contact: NFLRC Summer Institute, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, East-West Rd, Bldg 1, Room 6-A, Honolulu HI 96822 USA. Email: nflrc@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu

20. June 27-30 '95 "D"

ICCL-4/NACCL-7. Joint Meeting of the 4th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, and the 7th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Madison Wisconsin, USA

Contact: ICCL-4/NACCL-7 Organising Committee, Dept of East Asian Languages and Literature, Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706 USA. Tel: +1 608 262 0689; Fax: +1 608 265 5731. Email: iccl@macc.wisc.edu

21. 29 June - 2 July '95 "D"

LERN '95: 4th International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning, Townsville, Queensland, Australia.

Contact: LERN Conference 95, PO Box 481, Haymarket, NSW 2000, Australia. Tel: +61 2 330 3926 or +61 77 81 5533; Fax: +61 2 330 3914 or +61 77 81 4031. Email: lern95@jcu.edu.au

*22. 30 June '95

ACL’s SIGDAT Presents the 3rd Workshop on Very Large Corpora, Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA

Contact: Ken Church, Room 2B-421, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA> Email: kwc@research.att.com

23. 30 June - 2 July '95

Symposium on Language Loss and Public Policy, in conjunction with the 1995 Linguistics Institute of the LSA. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Contact: Garland D. Bills, Dept of Linguistics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM 87131-1196. Tel: +1 505 277 7416; Fax: +1 505 277 6355. Email: gbills@bootes.unm.edu

JULY 1995

1. 5-7 July '95 "D"

6th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI95), Leuven, Belgium

Contact: University of Leuven, Centre for Computational Linguistics, Maria-Theresiastraat 21, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. Tel: +32 16 285 088. Email: tmi95@ccl.kuleucen.ac.be

2. 5-7 July '95

Interdisciplinary Conference on Children and Social Competence, Surrey, UK

Contact: Ian Hutchby and Jo Moran-Ellis, Dept. of Sociology, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, UK. Email: scs1lih@soc.surrey.ac.uk OR scs1jm@soc.surrey.ac.uk

3. 6-7 July '95

AILASA95 (Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies in Australia): New Directions for the 21st Century, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Contact: Carme Arbones Sola, Dept of Romance Languages, The University of Queensland, Qld 4072. Tel: +61 7 365 2273; Fax: +61 7 365 2798. Email: c.arbonessola@mailbox.uq.oz.au

*4. 6-8 July '95

Colloquium on Syntax and Varieties, Duesseldorf, Germany

Contact: Prof. Dr. Dieter Stein, Heinrich-Heine- Universitaet, Anglistik III, Englische Sprachwissenschaft, Universitaetsstr. 1, 40225 Duesseldorf, Germany. Tel: +49 211 311 2963; Fax: +49 211 311 3026. Email: dieter.stein@uni-duesseldorf.de

5. 8 July '95

Who’s Afraid of Teaching Grammar? Grammar in the Communicative Classroom: definitions, approaches, practices and issues. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Contact: Jeanne Rolin-Ianziti, Dept of Romance Languages, The University of Queensland, Qld 4072. Tel: +61 7 365 2238; Fax: +61 7 365 2798. Email: c.arvonessola@mailbox.uq.oz.au

6. 9-12 July '95 "D"

12th International Conference on Machine Learning (ML95), Tahoe City, California USA

Contact: Sridhar Mahadevan, Dept of Computer Science & Engineering, University of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Ave, ENG118, Tampa, FL 33620-5399. Tel: +! 813 974 3260; Fax: +1 813 974 5456. Email: mahadeva@csee.usf.edu. http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/~schlimme/ml95.html

7. 9-12 July '95 "D"

2nd International Conference: Association of Forensic Linguists, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia

Contact: Diane Eades, Linguistics Dept, University of New England, NSW 2351 Australia. Tel: +61 67 73 3185; Fax: +61 67 73 3735. Email: deades@metz.une.edu.au

8. 9-13 July '95 "D"

ACEC95: Australian Computers in Education Conference: Learning Without Limits, Perth WA, Australia

Contact: ACEC'95, PO Box 146, North Fremantle WA 6159 Australia. Phone/Fax: +61 9 430 6949. Email: acec95@cleo.murdoch.edu.au

9. 9-13 July '95 "D"

SIGIR'95: 18th International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Seattle, Washington, USA

Contact: Raya Fidel, General Conference Chair, GSLIS, FM- 30, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 USA. Tel: +1 206 543 1888; Fax: +1 206 685 8049. Email: sigir95@u.washington.edu

10. 10-14 July '95

A Symposium on Local and Global Electronic Networking in Foreign Language Learning and Research, by the National Foreign Language Resource Centre, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Pre-symposium workshop will be held 6-7 July '95.

Contact: NFLRC Networking Symposium, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, East-West Rd, Bldg 1, Room 6-A, Honolulu HI 96822. Tel: +1 808 956 9424; Fax, +1 808 956 5983. Email: send a message saying to nflrc@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu

11. 10-14 July '95

A Multimedia Workshop from the National Foreign Languages Resource Centre Summer Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Contact: NFLRC Summer Institute, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, East-West Rd, Bldg 1, Room 6-A, Honolulu HI 96822 USA. Email: nflrc@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu

12. 11-15 July '95 "D"

Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing: 1995 Joint International Conference, ACH-ALLC95, Santa Barbara, California, USA

Contact: Eric Dahlin, Local Organiser, ACH/ALLC'95, Office of the Provost, College of Letters and Science, University of California, Santa Barbara CA 93106 USA. Tel: +1 805 687 5003. Email: hcf1dahl@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu

13. 12-14 July '95

8th International Conference on the African Language Association of Southern Africa (ALASA '95), Stellenbosch, South Africa

Contact: Prof Justus C. Roux, Dept. of African Languages, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa. Tel: +27 21 808 2017. Email: jcr@maties.sun.ac.za

14. 16-20 July '95

18th International Congress on Education of the Deaf, Tel Aviv, Israel

Contact: Wendy Sandler, email: rhle702@haifauvm.bitnet

15. 17-19 July '95

Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Optimist Reformer, Liverpool, UK

Contact: Val Gough or Jill Rudd, Dept. of English Language & Literature, University of Liverpool, PO Box 147, Liverpool UK L69 3BX. Fax: +44 51 794 2730. Email: jp4gar@liverpool.ac.uk

16. 17-21 July '95 "D"

4th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Contact: Sherman Wilcox/ICLA95, Dept. of Linguistics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA

17. A CALL Workshop from the National Foreign Languages Resource Centre Summer Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Contact: NFLRC Summer Institute, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, East-West Rd, Bldg 1, Room 6-A, Honolulu HI 96822 USA. Email: nflrc@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu

*18. 18-20 July '95

22nd International Systemic-Functional Congress & Computational Section/Workshop, Beijing, China

Contact: (for general info. on conference): egterenc@hkpcc.hkp.hk (For the workshop) teich@darmstadt.gmd.de

19. 19-24 July '95

22nd International Systemic Functional Congress, Beijing, China

Contact: Prof. Hu Zhaunglin, Dept of English, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China

20. 22-23 July '95

5th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Contact: Dr Susan Goldman. Tel +1 615 343 8387. Email: goldmans@crtbax.vanderbilt.edu

*21. 23-29 July '95

10-ICCS: 10th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Edinburgh, Scotland

Contact: 10-ICCS, Dept of Celtic, University of Edinburgh, David Hume Tower, George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JX, Scotland. Tel: +44 131 650 3622; Fax: +44 131 650 6536. Email: celrms@srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk

22. 24-28 July '95 "D"

12th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Manchester, UK

Contact: Nigel Vincent (email: n.b.vincent@man.ac.uk) J.C. Smith (email: mljcs@gdr.bath.ac.uk) David Denison (email: d.denison@man.ac.uk)

23. 24-28 July '95 "D"

Conference on Functional Approaches to Grammar, LSA Institute Summer 1995, Albuquerque New Mexico USA.

Contact: Russ Tomlin, Linguistics Dept, University of Oregon, Eugene OR, 97403 USA. Email tomlin@oregon.uoregon.edu or tgivon@oregon.uoregon.edu


1. 1-5 August '95

Early Cyrillic Electronic Text Conference and Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria

Contact: Prof. Anisava Moltenova, Institute of Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 52 Shipchenski Proxod, Bl. 17, BG=1113 Sofia, Bulgaria. Email: dobreva@let.rug.nl OR (Prof. David Birnbaum) djbpitt@pitt.edu

2 .9-11 August '95 American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, San Diego California USA. Panel in Portuguese Linguistics.

Contact: Ana Maria Carvalho, Dept of Spanish & Portuguese, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley CA 94720 USA. Email: anamaria@garnet.berkeley.edu

3. 10-15 August '95. The Eighth International Congress for Fenno-Ugric Studies (CIFU-8), Jyvaskyla, Finland

Contact: The Congress Secretariat / FU 8 Congress, P.O. Box 35, FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla, Finland. Fax: +358 41 603- 621. Email: pitkanen@jyu.fi

4. 11-13 August '95 "D"

International KRUSE Symposium: Knowledge Retrieval, Use, and Storage for Efficiency. Santa Cruz, California, USA

Contact: Gerard Ellis, Computer Science Dept. RMIT, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia. Tel: +61 3 660 5090; Fax: +61 3 662 1617. Email: ged@cs.rmit.edu.au

5. 13-18 August '95

12th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Manchester, England

Contact: ICHL, Dept of Linguistics, University of Manchester, Oxford Rd, Manchester M13 0XS UK. Tel: +44 61 275 3187/3042; Fax: +44 61 275 3187. Email: ichl1995@man.ac.uk

6. 13-19 August '95 "D"

XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 95), Stockholm, Sweden

Contact: Congress Secretariat, ICPhS 95, c/o Congrex, PO Box 5619, S-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: +46-8-612 69 00; Fax: +46-8-612 62 92. Email: congrex@ask.se Second announcement available on WWW: (http://www.speech.kth.se/)

7. 14-18 August '95

3rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Santa Cruz, California, USA

Contact: ICCS95, c/- Gerard Ellis, Computer Science Dept., RMIT, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 Australia. Tel: +61 3 660 5090; Fax: +61 3 662 1617. Email: ged@cs.rmit.edu.au WWW: http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/iccs95

8. 16-19 August '95

AI-ED '95: 7th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Washington, DC, USA

Contact: AI-ED95/AACE, PO Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA. Tel: +1 804 973 3987; Fax; +1 804 978 7449. Email: aace@virginia.edu

*9. 19, 20, or 21 August '95 "D"

IJCAI-95 Workshop on Context in Natural Language Processing, Montreal, Canada

Contact: Lucja Iwanska, Dept of Computer Science, Wayne State University, Detroit MI 48202 USA. Tel: +1 313 577 1667; Fax: +1 577 6868. Email: jucja@cs.wayne.edu www: http://www.cs.wayne.edu/context

*10. 31 August - 2 September '95

28th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leiden, The Netherlands

Contact: Marcel den Dikken, Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics, Vakgroep Taalkunde (ATW), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Voelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel: +31 20 444 6482. Email: dikken@jet.let.vu.nl

*11. 31 August - 2 September '95

28th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leiden, The Netherlands: Workshop on Voice in Austronesian.

Contact: Jan Voskuil, ATW/RUL, PO Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. Fax: +31 71 272 615. Email: austronesian@rullet.leidenuniv.nl


*1. 5-7 September '95

Sociolinguistics Symposium II, Cardiff, Wales, UK

Contact: Sociolinguistics Symposium II, Centre for Language and Communication Research, University of Wales, Cardiff, PO Box 94, Cardiff CF1 3XB UI. Tel: +44 1222 874 243; Fax: +44 1222 874 242. Email: ss11@cardiff.ac.uk

2. 7-9 September '95

Groningen Assembly on Language Acquisition, Groningen, The Netherlands

Contact: Charlotte Koster or Frank Wijnen, GALA 1995 Coordinators, University of Groningen, Dutch Dept. Postbus 716, 9700 AS Groningen, The Netherlands. Fax: +31 50 634 900. Email: gala95@let.rug.nl

*3. 7-9 September '95

CALL Conference, Valencia, Spain

Contact: Ana Giemeno, Departmento de Idiomas, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera, 14, E-46022, Valencia, Spain. Tel: +34 387 75 30; Fax: +34 387 75 39.

*4. 7-11 September '95

EUROSLA 1995: (European Second Language Association) 5th Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland

Contact: Vera Regan, French Dept, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 706 8448; Fax: +353 1 706 1175. Email: vmregan@macollamh.ucd.ie

5. 10-12 September '95

Conference on CALL and the Learning Environment, Exeter UK

Contact: Keith Cameron, Dept of French, Queen's Building, The University, Exeter, EX4 4QH, UK. Tel: +44 19 392 264 221; Fax: +44 19 392 264377. Email: k.c.cameron@exeter.ac.uk

6. 14-16 September '95

International Conference: Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Velingrad, Bulgaria

Contact: Mr Nicolas Nicolov. Email: nicolas@edinburgh.aisb.ac.uk

*7. 15-16 September '95

International Conference on The Linguistic Foundations of Translation, Liverpool, UK

Contact: Dr Gill Richardson, Applied English Language Studies Unit, University of Liverpool, PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX, England. Tel: +44 151 794 2734; Fax: +44 151 794 2739. Email: g.richardson@liverpool.ac.uk

*8. 19-22 September '95 "D"

Issues in Interpreting II: International Perspectives, Durham, England.

Contact: Conference Secretariat, Issues in Interpreting II, Deaf Studies Research Unit, University of Durham, Elvet Riverside II, New Elvet, Durham GB-DH1 3JT, England.

9. 25-27 September '95 "D"

9th International Conference on Translation and Interpreting in Honour of Jiri Levy and Anton Popovic: Translators' Strategies and Creativity, Prague, Czech Republic

Contact: Institute of Translation Studies, Charles University, Hyberska 3, CZ-110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic. Tel: +442 242 17961; Fax: +442 242 17965.

*10. 27-30 September -95 "D"

20th Annual Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Contact: ALAA Conference, Dept of Modern European Languages, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia. Email: alaa-plan@anu.edu.au

11. 28-30 September '95

Conference on Formal Approaches to South Slavic Linguistics, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Contact: Iliyana Krapova, Linguistics Dept., Plovdiv University. Email: iliyana@linguist.umass.edu


1. 4th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL4), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Contact: mol@ucsd.edu

2. 5th Meeting of the Special Interest Group "Computational Linguistics" of the German Linguistics Society, Dusseldorf, Germany

Contact: 5. Fachtagung Computerlinguistik, Seminar fuer Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Heinrich-Heine- Universitaet Dusseldorf, Universitaetsstr. 1, D=40225 Dusseldorf, Germany. Email: cl@ling.uni-dusseldorf.de

*3. 5-7 October '95

45th Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, Radford, Virginia, USA

Contact: Prof. Leonor A. Ulloa, Dept of Foreign Languages and literatures, PO Box 6937, Radford University, Radford, VA 24142 USA. Tel: +1 703 831 5120; Fax: +1 703 831 5970. Email: aroy@ruacad.ac.runet.edu

4. 6-9 October '95

Second Language Research Forum (SLRF '95), Ithaca, New York, USA

Contact: SLRF95, Cornell University, Dept of Modern Languages & Linguistics, Morrill Hall, Ithaca NY 14853- 4701. Email: slrf95@cornell.edu

5. 12-15 October '95 "D"

22nd Annual MEXTESOL National Convention, Acapulco, Mexico

Contact: Prof. Patrick Smith or Dr Christopher Hall, Language Department, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico. Email (Smith) patrick@udlapvms.pue.udlap.mx OR (Hall) chris@udlapvms.pue.udlap.mx

*6. 27-30 October '95

NELS 1995: Joint conference at MIT and Harvard University, Massachussetts, USA.

Contact: Dianne Jonas, Harvard: jonas@uusc.harvard.edu Martha Jo McGinnis, MIT: marthajo@mit.edu


*1. 2-5 November '95

11 International Conference on Mathematical Linguistics (ICML95), Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain

Contact: Carlos Martin-Vide, Apartado de Correos 32.077, 08080 Barcelona, Spain. Fax: +34 77 55 95 97. Email: cmv@fll.urv.es

*2. 10-12 November -95

AAAI-95 Fall Symposium: Formalising Context, Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA

Contact: Sasa Buvac (Chair), Dept of Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2140 USA. Email: buvac@sail.stanford.edu www: http://sail.stanford.edu/buvac/95-context-symposium ftp: sail.stanford.edu/buvac/95-context-symposium

*3. 18-20 November '95

ACTFL/AAUSC Annual Meeting: Patterns and Policies - the Changing Demographics of Foreign Language Instruction, Anaheim, California, USA

Contact: Carol A. Klee, Dept of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Minnesota, 34 Folwell Hall, 9 Pleasant St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. Tel: +1 612 625 9521.

4. 30 November - 2 December '95

1st European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages, Leipzig, Germany

Contact: Gerhild Zybatow, Universitaet Leipzig, Philologische Fakultaet, Institut fuer Slavistik, 04109 Leipzig, Germany. Tel: +49 341 719 2944/3003; Fax: +49 341 719 3002. Email: slavlips@rzaix34.rz.uni-leipzig.de


1. ICCE '95: International Conference on Computers in Education, Singapore

Contact: ICCE 95/AACE, PO Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA. Tel: +1 804 973 3987; Fax: +1 804 978 7449. Email: aace@virginia.edu

*2. 7-9 December '95

1995 Conference on Political Linguistics, from the Belgian Linguistic Association, Antwerp, Belgium

Contact: IPrA Research Centre, UIA-GER, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk Belgium. Email: ipra@reks.uia.ac.be



*1. 8-10 January '96 "D"

4th International Symposium on Language and Linguistics: Pan-Asiatic Linguistics, Mahidol University, Nakompathom, Thailand.

Contact: Dr. Somsonge Burusphat, Pan-Asiatic Linguistics Symposium, Institute of Language & Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University at Salaya, Nakornpathom 7310, Thailand. Tel: +66 441 9514/9343/9327. Fax: + 662 441 9517. Email: oissj@chulkn.chula.ac.th

*2. 21-26 January '96 "D"

3rd International Interactive Multimedia Symposium: The Learning Superhighway, Perth Western Australia

Contact: Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd., PO Box 890, Canning Bridge, WA 6153. Tel: +61 9 364 8311; Fax: +61 9 316 1453. Email: promaco@cleo.murdoch.edu.au


1. 9-11 February '96 "D"

XIVth World Congress of the Federation internationale des traducteurs, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Contact: Fauth Royale & Associates P/L, 15 Cooper St, Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia. Tel: +61 2 211 6711; Fax: +61 2 211 6608

*2. 29 February - 2 March '96

1996 Joint Conference: Southern Conference on Language Teaching and the Alabama Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Mobile, Alabama, USA

Contact: Lee Bradley, Executive Director, SCOLT, Valdosta State University, Valtosta, GA 31698. Tel: +1 912 333 7358; Fax: +1 912 333 7389. Email: lbradley@grits.valdosta.peachnet.edu

APRIL 1996

1. 18-20 April '96

Conference on Functionalism & Formalisms in Linguistics, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Contact: Michael Noonan. Email: noonan@csd.uwm.edu OR Edith Moravcsik. Email: edith@csd.uwm.edu

JULY 1996

1. 4th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Colchester, UK

Contact: David Rose, Essex 96, British Household Panel Study, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ England. Tel: +44 1206 872 655; Fax: +44 1206 873 151. Email: conf96@essex.ac.uk

2. 15-19 July '96

23rd International Systemic Functional Congress, Sydney.

Contact: Diana Slade, Centre for Language and Literacy, School of Adult and Language Education, Faculty of Education, University of Technology, Sydney. PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007. Tel: +61 2 330 3853; Fax: +61 2 330 3939. Email: isfc.syd@uts.edu.au

3. 19-21 July '96

NLLIA Language EXPO '96: Brisbane Conventional and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Contact: Language Expo Management, Fauth Royale and Associates P/L, 15 Cooper Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010. Tel: +61 2 211 4711; Fax +61 2 211 6608


1. 4-9 August '96

11th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Jyvaskyla, Finland

Contact: Prof Kari Sajavaara, Dept of English, University of Jyvaskyla, SF-40100, Jyvaskyla, Finland

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